And so a long, hot and fantastic Danish summer has

Editorial, Søren Rode, CEO.

ProData Consult has entered Q3 with over 300 consultants on contract, and with announcements on the strongest pipelines ever from our key clients.

In other words, the autumn season looks incredibly exciting and if you haven't already updated your ProData CV and are looking for an assignment for the second half of 2013, I strongly recommend that you visit to update your CV and state your availability.

This issue of ConsultantNews focuses on testing, testing and more testing. When I began in this sector 12-13 years ago, testing was hardly even an independent discipline. At the end of the 00's we began to experience serious demand for test consul-tants, and today test consultants comprise approximately 20 % of our total consultant business – and the market continues to grow with ever-increasing demand.

Thomas Axen has been one of Denmark's leading drivers of this process and in this magazine he explains his view of the importance of testing and his perception of what constitutes a good tester and an optimal testing process. Thomas will also be holding an in-house forum evening on the subject. For more information, see the back cover. The forum evenings are usually a big draw and are highly recommended.

Regardless of what you do in this sector, it is now an unmistakable advantage – even a necessity – to possess fundamental knowledge about testing, test theory and testing processes. We hope that you agree and that the following pages give you some useful insight into the testing universe as explained and described by hardcore testing nerds.

Søren Rode