DHL Relay Race 2014 at Fælledparken in Copenhagen
The sun was shining and spirits were high when the ProData team took part in Europe's largest running event – the 2014 DHL Relay Race. Just over 50 people gathered in the ProData tent in Fælledparken in Copenhagen on Thursday, 28 August. This year, ProData Consult had seven relay teams that included internal staff members, as well as energetic ProData consultants.
The weather could not have been much better for a 5-kilometre run and buffet barbecue. Both ProData consultants and internal staff members took part in the DHL Relay Race, with a total of seven relay teams.
While the relay teams did a grand job in the 5x5-km relay, the volunteer helpers were busy setting up the tent for a fun barbecue, with lit torches and snacks. Juicy steaks and sausages were served, together with lots of tasty accompaniments.
A big vote of thanks to all the runners and supporters for a fine effort. Everyone had a great evening at Fælledparken, and we look forward to participating again next year.