Freelance jobs for business and IT consultants


Consultant statements

Flemming Mertz:

They are there when you need them

My collaboration with ProData Consult has generally been characterized by professionalism and seriousness. Payment happens on time, and they respond quickly and efficiently to inquiries about billing, contract, or follow-up.

As a hiring manager, I already had previous experience with ProData Consult from the other side of the table. Thus, they seemed like a natural choice, when I decided to make the move from permanent employee to freelance. There are big differences between consultancies. Serious players like ProData Consult stand out in the way that they are there when you need them and back off when you do not.  They do not call or write constantly, trying to upsell you. Now, with me being a freelancer that impression still holds true.

I had long thought about making the move to freelance life. When I had made up my mind, I contacted several of the major consultancies for my first assignment. I was considered for several assignments via different providers, however, it was in collaboration with ProData Consult that I landed my first job. The whole process from bidding on the assignment, forwarding of resume, and two interviews, took just over a week.

As a freelance consultant going forward, it is an advantage that ProData Consult has the size they have, when it comes to landing future assignments. The designated Account Manager knows the strengths and weaknesses of the consultant and is, therefore, already able to keep an eye out for the following assignment, and even able to proactively initiate the matching process for it, when one’s current contract is nearing expiration.

Flemming Mertz
Project Manager

Tina Møller:

A valuable partner for new exciting projects

Since 2009, when I started my own business, I have been working closely with ProData Consult, and since then I have viewed them as a proactive partner.

I was contacted after they had gone through my CV with valuable input on how it could become more visible in searches. Next, during a visit to ProData Consult HQ, I also received personal sparring and gained valuable knowledge related to the process of updating my CV, which then increased my chances of being considered for new assignments. I still use this knowledge when I update my CV on a regular basis.

In addition, I also receive sparring related to my CV, before it is sent to clients. In these cases, my CV is first reviewed and then tailored to the specific assignment.

I appreciate the dialogue I have with ProData Consult about new assignments. It helps me to always have a good understanding of the client and the assignment, my CV is on point and I am prepared for the interview with the client.

Tina Møller
Project Manager

Niels-Erik Jørgensen:

ProData Consult helped me realize my dream of going freelance

Working as a Technical IT project manager in a permanent position for most of my career, I had long had a dream of going freelance, as new challenges and a changing work-life have always been a big motivating factor for me. To help me with this transition, and after a referral from a friend in my network, the choice fell on ProData Consult. They helped me realize my dream.

They know the needs of the clients and can easily match consultant profiles with the right assignments. This helps open the door to rewarding challenges at international companies, courtesy of framework agreements and coupled with an expansive network of clients. This means that I have been able to quickly and effectively get to work on challenging projects that match my experience, skills, and needs.

ProData Consult is also there for me from start to finish in the project. They offer to spar, when and if I need it, and that provides a sense of security in an environment where you are otherwise left to rely on yourself. In addition, they offer their freelancers professional development courses at great prices, annual Christmas dinners and dialogue meetings with the Account Manager, which create an opportunities to exchange ideas, and receive feedback, ensuring a successful completion of the freelance assignment.

ProData Consult is a business partner who fully understands that in order for them to be a success, every one of their consultants must first be successful, and this is apparent in the service they provide to me as a consultant.

Niels-Erik Jørgensen
Project Manager - Niels-Erik Jørgensen

Troels Jakobsen:

I feel appreciated and welcome at ProData Consult

Throughout the more than 10 years I have been working with ProData Consult, they have been a professional and trustworthy collaborator.

When working as a freelance consultant, it is very important that you always have something to do. ProData Consult is efficient in the process of finding and suggesting new projects so that you do not feel forgotten when you are in between jobs.     

Likewise, it is important to be able to evolve in the collaboration. As I gradually grow, ProData Consult gives me projects that correspond to this development. They have an understanding of the direction I want to go, and they help me to find the right clients for this. It is comforting to know that I can always be sure the projects I am offered are equivalent to my level and competences.       

The entire process of landing the right projects is professional and efficient. The collaboration in adapting the CV so that it reflects your competences in relation to the client’s wishes and needs is very good. There is always a pleasant dialogue, where you – in cooperation with your ProData Consult contact person – get a feeling of the client’s needs and what your own demands are. ProData has a good understanding of this, and they are proficient in adjusting so the client is offered exactly what they are requesting.

In my collaboration with ProData Consult, I have always had a good relationship with my contacts who have had an understanding of my needs, and this has always been reflected in the good dialogue. ProData has taken good care of me, and they are loyal and have made sure to remember me when new projects surface.

Overall, it is a great collaboration where you know things are under control; you get relevant projects, a good dialogue, and there are never any issues when it comes to billing. I feel appreciated and welcome at ProData Consult.

Troels Jakobsen
Scrum Master

Przemyslaw Panczyk:

ProData Consult is professional every step of the way

My cooperation with ProData Consult has been well-organized. During the whole process, they handle the administrative work. This makes starting and focusing on the job you are hired to do much easier.

The sourcing process at ProData Consult was neither time consuming nor stressful. You have a talk to elucidate what is expected from you and what you can expect from the client. This gives you an idea of your suitability for the job. As part of the process, you also get an opportunity to talk with the client to balance expectations and see if you are a good match. I find that this process equips you to get a good start on the collaboration with the client.

Generally, ProData Consult is professional every step of the way. They are reachable if you have questions or problems, and I always know who to contact, and that I am sure to get a thorough answer in a reasonable time. I believe it is important to be able to communicate directly with the client to do my job sufficiently. ProData Consult allows this, and they only interfere in a helpful manner.

It is much giving and appreciated to work with a company that knows what it takes for a consultant like me to succeed in my projects.    

Przemyslaw Panczyk
App Developer

Michal Stawarz:

ProData Consult acts as problem solvers on behalf of their consultants

ProData Consult has always struck me as a professionals' hub with a friendly atmosphere. I have been very pleased with the collaboration and the way ProData Consult operates.

ProData Consult acts as problem solvers on behalf of their consultants. Therefore, they step in if you experience problems with the client or otherwise need assistance. This means that, as a consultant, you can focus solely on your project, and you don’t have to worry about the work-related administration. This gives a security as they are ready to assist you throughout the entire process.

ProData Consult’s sourcing process is well conducted, because it gives the consultant and the client an opportunity to familiarize with each other. It is also during the sourcing process that you get introduced to the client’s organization, where you get an understanding of their expectations and whether you are suited for the job. During this process, your ProData Consult contact person is always available if you have questions. When you are recruited, you have the chance to visit the client before starting your project, which makes the transition to start in the organization a lot easier.

The core elements that I value mostly in my collaboration with ProData Consult are the following: You can communicate directly with the client, which offers option to pitch innovative ideas easier, and it also ensures the communication flow. Furthermore, the work-life balance is respected, and there are some supplementary benefits to the work. Lastly, by working with ProData Consult, you have the opportunity to get interesting projects and to work with some of the biggest companies. This is highly cherished for me as a freelance consultant.

Michal Stawarz
App Developer

Bo Belvedere Christensen:

I am given assignments that fit my experience and expertise

The first time I heard of ProData Consult, it was from a friend who had been a consultant for ProData for several years. Since I was looking to go freelance at the time, I applied for assignments through ProData.

In the recruiting process, my contacts with the consultancy house gave me the impression of a very systematic and professional firm. The process was surprisingly swift and there were no unpleasant surprises. Absolutely, ProData seemed like the right place to be associated with.

PDC worked very hard to find assignments for me, but I came in at a very inopportune moment, right at the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008.  There was not a lot of call for freelancers, but they still managed it after a brief waiting period. There have been several good offers since the first assignment.

It is my impression that ProData have good understanding of their clients and insight into their needs, which helps ensure that freelancers are given the right assignments in relation to their existing skills and experience. The operational set-up works very well, with a smooth reporting and feedback process, which I value highly.

Being affiliated with ProData has been very rewarding for me as a freelancer. I was able to use my special skills from the beginning, I have had exciting assignments for ProData clients and the house provides superb consultant events where you can expand your horizons and network with other freelancers.

I am delighted to recommend ProData as a leading consultancy house on the basis of the firm's proven professionalism.  As a consultant, this means that I am made aware of my strengths and my value; I am given assignments that fit my experience and expertise and all the administrative aspects work smoothly and can be dealt with swiftly.

Bo Belvedere Christensen
Project Manager

Trine Meinert Ekknud:

The connection with ProData Consult is a distinct advantage

In January I chose to quit my full-time job in order to become a freelance consultant. I needed to be able to seek out the challenges and projects, that are good matches for me – and not just be a part of one company's pipeline. As a full-time employee you are not always the one best suited to accomplish a specific task. As a consultant I can take on projects where I get to exploit my talents in an optimal way.

But projects don’t grow on trees so I started uploading my resume to different IT consulting firms. ProData Consult was the first to call. I hadn’t expected anything this explosive: they were very attentive and had a very outgoing energy. Before I knew it I met with the HR Manager, who helped me refine my cv, to get the emphasis right. I was also introduced to the Sales Manager, who told me he would go out and ‘sell’ me straight away. A few days later I was in a meeting with my first client. The course of events highly exceeded my expectations!

It wasn’t ProData Consult that made me take the plunge into freelancing, but they make my dream possible. On my own I wouldn’t be able to get the big assignments, since the companies that I find interesting and who has the big jobs, are all hiring through consulting firms. The connection with ProData Consult is a distinct advantage, because their large customers provide me with my bread and butter. And I get to run my own small projects of interest on the side."

Trine Meinert Ekknud
Project Manager

John Brun:

ProData Consult is the definition of professionalism

ProData is a super sales channel for me as a consultant! When I’m available I need an organisation that will back me up and promote my CV and sales staff that can make a difference. ProData Consult has that and more.

I’ve done business with ProData now for almost ten years. I’ve had a number of colleagues who’ve sold through ProData since 2002, and my first job for them came in 2003. As the years have gone by I’ve taken on more and more projects for their customers.

They really have a very well-oiled delivery machine running behind the scenes where there are people who will back me up and provide me with help and support, whether it’s a matter of invoicing, contracts or deliveries. Plus, they have a very professional HR department. The work they’ve done on my CV – it’s like product development! Now it really reflects my skills and makes it easier for their customers to understand exactly where I can help and where I can’t.

Their service represents excellent value for money, and their margin on the fees I earn is well-deserved.

ProData Consult is the definition of professionalism, and, of course, I’m very happy to be associated with them.

John Brun
Project Manager and Business Developer

Mads Juul Jacobsen:

A fantastic network

I was employed at a small consultancy, where I was in dialogue with Jan Wolff from ProData Consult about using my former employer as a subcontractor for some projects. Shortly afterwards, my company closed down its project management function, and I was let go. It happened on a Friday. Jan Wolff called on Monday and offered me a project.

The greatest advantage to being affiliated with ProData Consult is their fantastic network! I would never have gotten my most recent project on my own. ProData Consult has tons of framework agreements, which is pure gold for a freelancer like me.

So far, ProData Consult has found project that are a good match for me. I also appreciate the regular dialogue about and during the projects – and that we don’t only speak together when there’s a project they want to sell me on.

Mads Juul Jacobsen
Senior Project Manager

Jimmy Jeppesen:

They are efficient at finding new assignments

ProData Consult has been my most dependable business partner since I started my company in 1998.

They keep in close contact with me when I'm out on projects for them, so if  I bump into any problems during the assignment, they instantly offer to send out an account manager to help solve the issues.

When a contract is about to expire, ProData is also very efficient at finding new assignments with new customers and even though they have several thousand consultants, they always make ​​me feel like an important consultant.

If a client offers me a full time job, I say no without a second thought, because I know that working with ProData is more valuable to my business than full-time employment.

I can always recommend ProData Consult and I am at your disposal for further comment.


Jimmy Jeppesen
Developer and Web Specialist

Louise Gewecke Kristensen:

Billing works perfectly

found a six-month project. Things moved fast. I sent a CV on Monday, and I was called in for an interview a week later. On my way home from the interview, ProData Consult called to tell me it was a match. Three or four days later, I started on my very first project as a consultant.

My greatest fear as a new consultant was that I would have to get out there and sell myself, which I wasn’t interested in. Because I’m affiliated with ProData Consult, I don’t need to, because they’re established on the market and have a large client database. Another advantage is that billing works perfectly.

My main motivation for becoming a freelancer was that I wanted variety. Now I have the freedom to choose the projects I’m most interested in, which is in the area of transition and deployment. Of course, sometimes you only have a choice in theory, because you can’t afford to wait for a more exciting project. But so far, there has been a perfect match with the two projects I’ve done through ProData Consult.

Louise Gewecke Kristensen
Transition Project Manager

Christian Jaspers:

Great precision and speed

I’m familiar with ProData Consult from both sides of the table – as a consultant and as a purchaser of consultancy services, and both have been really good experiences. ProData really has a finger on the pulse of the market, along with the ability to understand our needs and translate that into finding the right consultants with great precision and speed.

ProData’s tools and infrastructure are also among the best on the market, and in my experience, their processes are designed for maximum efficiency and speed.

But most important of all is the excellent communication with everyone in ProData’s organization I have had contact with.

Christian Jaspers
Acting CEO

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